Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about this study.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about this study.

General Study Questions

How long will I be in the study?

Your participation could last up to 13 weeks.

How many times will I have to go to the study clinic?

You’ll have to visit the study clinic 8 times. You will also have 1 phone call with the study team during the study.

Will I be paid for my participation?

You will not be paid to participate in the study, but there may be reimbursement for expenses. Talk to the study staff to find out more.

Will it cost me anything to be in the study?

There will be no cost to you for the inhalers, doctor visits, tests, or supplies required for the study.

Who is sponsoring the study?

The pharmaceutical company GSK is sponsoring the study. They provide the funds for the study doctor and study clinic to run this study.

What if I decide to join the study and then change my mind?

Participating in the study is your choice. Even if you join, you can leave at any time.

Study Treatment Questions

What treatment will I receive?

You'll be placed by chance into 1 of 2 treatment groups: the commercial inhaler group or the modified inhaler group.

Can I choose which study group I am in?

No. A computer is used to randomly assign participants to study treatment groups, similar to dealing from a shuffled deck of cards. For every patient randomized to the commercial inhaler group, 3 will be randomized to the modified inhaler group. This is called randomization.

Is there a placebo in this study?

No. There is no placebo in this study. Any inhaler given to you will have asthma medicine in it.

What are the risks of being in this study?

As with all medicines, there is a chance of side effects, which are unwanted or unintended effects from a medicine. Talk to the study doctor for more information on possible side effects. Your health will be closely monitored throughout the entire study. It is very important to tell the study doctor if you notice any changes in your health or if anything is bothering you.

What are the benefits of being in this study?

You may or may not directly benefit from being in the clinical study. However, you'll be continuously monitored by doctors with expertise in asthma. In addition, participation in the study will help with the development of an asthma inhaler formulation that contributes less greenhouse gas emissions.